William Kennedy

Web Developer

I tend to create stuff, here are some of my experiments

Flappy Bird


A simple clone of an annoying but fun game made by the awesome people at dotgear studios.

Watch on YouTube



This is an arcade classic. Released in 1982 it was one of the first games to use a vector graphics engine which allowed for good resolution at a low cost.

Watch on YouTube

Flappy Bird


This game originally released on nokia's in the late 1990's; it's casual and fun.

Watch on YouTube

Flappy Bird

Tic Tac Toe

This game will challenge you with it's surprisingly complex AI.

Watch on YouTube

Sometimes I write things on my blog.

My Blog

I am currently in the Snowy mountains adding new features and functionality to my website.

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Syntax Highlighting

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Syntax Highlighting

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Interested to know more about me? Contact me or download my resumé.

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© 2016 - William Kennedy